Identifying Objects Flowing Through Web Apps In The Wild

This is a free resource from my online course, From Idea To Launch, where I teach you how to build a full Laravel web application, step by step, at beginner's speed. Learn more →
This exercise builds on the previous Discovering Web Application Requests In The Wild Exercise, so if you haven’t completed that one yet, go ahead and do that now!

The goal of this exercise is to help you learn to easily identify how objects flow through web applications when requests are made.

For a refresher, check out a recap of how objects flow through a web application.

The exercise

  1. Go back in your Field Notes, or notebook, to the 3 web applications you identified in the Discovering Web Application Requests In The Wild Exercise.
  2. Choose three individual requests (you should have originally come up with 9 total, 3 request for 3 different web apps) and copy those requests over to a new page in your notebook.
  3. For each of those requests, answer the following:
    1. What types of objects are involved in this request?
    2. How do those objects flow throughout the web application?
    3. How do you know when your request has been fulfilled?

An example

The web application request:

In Facebook, click the Profile link in the main menu

What types of objects are involved in this request?

Users, Posts, Comments

How do those objects flow throughout the web application?

When I request to view my Profile, that request is sent to the back end of the web application. Then, using my — I presume — username, the back end retrieves all of my User connections (Friends), Posts, and Comments from the database. That information is then passed to the front end where it’s used to render my Profile page.

How do you know when your request has been fulfilled?

When my Profile page is displayed in my browser!